The thirteenth installment in the evergreen Charlie Brown animated series this is a delightful romp through the rites of spring. The running gag that holds this string of episodic misadventures together is Peppermint Pattys futile attempts at explaining how to make Easter eggs to Marcy. Highlights of this rather surreal Peanuts outing include Snoopys dancing with little bunny rabbits inside a kaleidoscope Sally heading to the mall to purchase a pair of platform shoes (this video was made in 1974) and Woodstocks lavishly equipped bachelor-pad birdhouse. As with the best of the Peanuts cartoons this will entertain children and adults alike and is one of the last of the series to feature a music score by Vince Guaraldi.System Requirements:Run Time: 50 minutesFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre:CHILDREN/FAMILY UPC:085391200635 Manufacturer No:120063
The thirteenth installment in the evergreen Charlie Brown animated series, this is a delightful romp through the rites of spring. The running gag that holds this string of episodic misadventures together is Peppermint Pattys futile attempts at explaining how to make Easter eggs to Marcy. Highlights of this rather surreal Peanuts outing include Snoopys dancing with little bunny rabbits inside a kaleidoscope, Sally heading to the mall to purchase a pair of platform shoes (this video was made in 1974), and Woodstocks lavishly equipped bachelor-pad birdhouse. As with the best of the Peanuts cartoons, this will entertain children and adults alike, and is one of the last of the series to feature a music score by Vince Guaraldi. --Kristian St. Clair
Rate Points :4.5
Binding :DVD
Brand :Warner Brothers
Label :Warner Home Video
Manufacturer :Warner Home Video
MPN :1000027468
ProductGroup :DVD
Studio :Warner Home Video
Publisher :Warner Home Video
UPC :085391200635
EAN :0085391200635
Price :$19.98USD
Lowest Price :$12.35USD
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